sports photography.

The only source of knowledge is experience.

- Albert Einstein

In the case of sports photography, experience makes all the difference in the world.  For nothing is better than having an athlete photography an athlete in a sport they know.  They know those exact moments where the pivotal action is taking place.  That could be a volleyball player fully stretched out to dig a spike, the exact moment the ball will hit a bit, seeing how a play will develop to get the best angles on a football player, or that moment the basketball player is going to drive the lane. Creative Smirk/fusion_highlight] has that athletic experience and knowledge to get those epic sports photographs.  We cover everything from the local recreational sports leagues, high school sports, and up to any level or type of event you need.

Sports photography rates start at $150 depending on the type and length of the event covered.  Contact us today to see how we can help.